Jim Krause has translated this book from the early 19th Century notation to modern drum notation! This newly released edition is available today just click here!
A New, Useful and Complete System of Drum Beating
Including The Reveille, The Troop, Retreat, Officers Calls,
Signals, Salutes and the whole of the Camp Duty as
practiced at Head Quarters, Washington City, intended particularly
for the United States Army and Navy by Charles Stewart Ashworth
Director of the Marine Band of music, Washington City.
To which are added tunes for the fife -
adapted to the drum.
Boston, Published by the Author, 1812
Rules 1 General Orders 2 Rudiments for Beating in General 3 Rolls and Strokes 4 Paradiddles 5 Drag 5 Ratamacue 5 The Drummers Call 6 The Troop 6 Rising of the Troop 6 Singlings of the Troop or Assembly 6 Doublings of the Troop 7 End of the Troop after the three Rolls 7 Retreat 7 The Tattoo 7 Singlings of the Tattoo 8 Doublings of the Tattoo 8 Preparative 8 To Arms 9 The Adjutants Call 9 First Serjents Call 9 The Wood Call 9 All non Commissioned Officers Call 9 The Water Call 9 Front to Halt 9 The General 10 The Fatigue or Pioneers March 10 The Reveille 12 The first part of The Three Camps 12 The second part of The Three Camps 13 The third part of The Three Camps 13 The Scotch 14 The Scotch Continued 15 The Austrian 16 The Dutch 16 The Hessian 17 The Scotch Repeat 18 The Scotch Repeat Continued 19 The Grenadiers March 20 The Grenadiers March Continued 21 The first part of the Grenadiers March on the Drag for a General Salute 21 Quick Step or Long march 23 Common Time March 23 Quick Step 23 Quick Step cont. 24 Slow March 24 The Duke of York Short Troop for one drum 24 The Duke of York Short Troop for one drum cont 25 A Favorite Troop for two drums 26 A Favorite Troop for two drums cont 27 Tunes for the Fife, adopted to the foregoing Work.
The Reveille The Three Camps 28 The Reveille The Scotch 28 The Reveille The Austrian 29 The Reveille The Dutch 29 The Reveille The Hessian (Hefsian in olde type) 29 The Reveille The Hessian (cont) 30 The Reveille The Scotch Repeat 30 The Drummers Call 30 When Wars Alarm, Troop 31 Doublings of Troop 31 To Arms 31 The Lass of Ochram, Retreat 32 The General 32 The Fatigue or Pioneers March 32 The Roast Beef 33 The Rogues March 33 The Grenadiers March 33 The Grenadiers March cont 34 Parley, or Church Call 34 Phyllis and Damon Troop 34 Charming Molly Doublings 35 The Dog and Gun Troop 35 The Tobacco Box Doublings 35 The Pretty Maid, Retreat 36 Polly Oliver, Retreat 36 Quick Step 36 Quick Step 37 Smiths Hornpipe 37 Slow March #1 38 Slow March #2 38
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